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Your Thai domain name

Prices inclusive of VAT

Domain names in Thailand

TLD Country Registration transfer renewal / yr Update
Thailand117,01 USD (€ 107,69)117,01 USD (€ 107,69)117,01 USD (€ 107,69)19,72 USD (€ 18,15)
Thailand90,71 USD (€ 83,49)90,71 USD (€ 83,49)90,71 USD (€ 83,49)64,42 USD (€ 59,29)
Thailand4765,66 USD (€ 4386,25)4272,66 USD (€ 3932,50)4272,66 USD (€ 3932,50)19,72 USD (€ 18,15)

Sa-was-dee with your Thai domain name

Thailand, the country of smiles and a land of extremes. A bustling capital, beautiful nature, idyllic islands, tropical beaches, numerous temples and buddhas, Thailand offers it all.
Furthermore, the Thai kitchen is not to be missed. Everyone knows the image of the many food stalls on the street, still offering the best, cheapest and often spicy meals.

In addition to the booming economy in the major cities and tourism across the country, agriculture is also an important source of income for Thailand with rice and tea as the main products.

Do you have a company in Thailand and do you wish to attract new customers? Does your hotel offer the most beautiful rooms and the best accommodation? Are your guided tours the best in all of Thailand?
Then register your domain name or domain name today.

Extra information for:

Only local firms or firms with a local representative can register a domain name.
The domain name needs to resemble the company name.
A registration is also possible if the domain name corresponds to a registered Trade Mark, valid in Thailand that is owned by the company requesting the domain name.
Terms & conditions:

Extra information for: .th

Only possible for:
Local firms, or firms with a local representative. The domain name needs to resemble the company name
Owners of a registered trademark, valid in Thailand that is owned by the company requesting the domain name. The domain name needs to correspond with this trademark
The .th registration fee exists out of a non-refundable application fee of 375 EUR.
The registration of a .th domain name is only available during 3 periods per year, your request will be treated in the next registration period.
Terms & conditions:

Extra information for:

The owner should have an address in Thailand. If you don't have such an address, then you can use our Local Presence offer.
If you don't have a local address, then you can use our Local presence. This is available at € 24,20 for the first year and € 24,20 for every subsequent year on top of the registration fee.
Terms & conditions:
All prices are incl. VAT and on a yearly basis (unless stated otherwise)! Click here to see the prices excl. VAT.
The amounts in USD are purely informative. The exchange rate date is 6/06/2024.